Saturday, May 2, 2009

Inaugural post - Avon calling

All images on this page copyright BBC. Please don't sue me.

This blog is dedicated to the semi-baddies, the villains turned good, the persons of dubious character, from the silent era to current and television, film, and anywhere else I find them. Some genuine through-and-through evil villains may appear also.

That stated, who better to lead off with than Avon, that computer genius of silky-smooth sneer from Blake's 7. It's the role that actor Paul Darrow will always be remembered for, from a cheaply-made BBC sci-fi series that ran from 1978-81.

  • Character: Avon
  • Actor: Paul Darrow (born 1941)
  • TV show: Blake's 7
  • Occupation: Computer genius on the run
  • Marital status: single (killed the love of his life, twice)
  • Hobbies: Computer canoodling, sneering, occasional snogging
  • Notable accessories: black leather with metal studs, big shoulder pads
  • Pros: Silky smooth sneer
  • Cons: Sneer can get annoying
  • Best quote: "I have never understood why it is necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care, or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."

"All brains, no heart" Avon gets a little dust in his eyes after Blake tells him he's always trusted him from the beginning.

Kerr Avon was the morally ambiguous counterweight to the idealistic Roj Blake. Avon was the voice of cold reason. His main priority was survival, but he was also keen on acquiring wealth and control of the Liberator. Avon had no compunction to kill or otherwise wreak violence in self-defense. He was an absolute bully to Vila, the show's dim-witted, cowardly thief. But he was always brutally honest and had a certain nobility about him. Hints of a warmer nature sometimes emerged from behind his stoic facade.

Blake's 7 is not available on U.S. region DVDs. There are ways to view B7 in the states but I'm not going to ruin these avenues by laying them open to lawyers. Email me for more info. (Hey BBC - why not post B7 on your website with ads, so American viewers can watch and you can still generate revenue off your investment?)

There are many fan videos of Blake's 7 on YouTube. Here are a few amusing ones:

Avon's insults and jibes

Acceptable in the 80s where Avon is getting most of the snogging, as the British put it.

Blake's 7 Out-Takes (Series 3)

Want more Avon? Check out the Paul Darrow Society page which as of this posting has up-to-date news about Darrow. Give a listen to Oxfordshire radio station Jack FM where Darrow can be heard doing funny call signs in his best Avon voice in between 60's-90's pop/rock tunes.

Further reading

Many Blake's 7 books have been published since the show aired. Consider purchasing Darrow's book You're Him, Aren't You which has good ratings on Paul Darrow penned a short book called "Avon: A terrible Aspect" Carol Publishing, 1991, which I must admit I remember nothing from except there being a sex scene in there somewhere. "Blake's 7 Programme Guide" Virgin Books, 1994 has a section of quotes from the major characters which can be an entertaining read. For those with deep pockets there is more B7 merchandise available - models, teleporter bracelets, guns, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, i don't know if you know, but nearly all series 1 and 2 of Blakes 7 are free on youtube
