Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The man they call Jayne

All Firefly images copyright Fox. Please don't sue me.

Jayne ... the man they call Jayne

  • Character: Jayne Cobb
  • Actor: Adam Baldwin (born 1962)
  • TV Show: Firefly
  • Movie based on TV Show: Serenity
  • Profession: Thug
  • Favorite weapon: gun named Vera
  • Hobbies: Working out, being in his bunk
  • Pros: Strong, good shot with a gun
  • Cons: Not very smart, occasionally prone to treachery
  • Best quote: "I'll be in my bunk"

Jayne Cobb is a macho space thug who's in it primarily for himself. Not particularly bright, he gets the stock Joss Whedon role of saying the dumb things for comedic value and occasionally stating the obvious that no one else wants to say out loud. It really is a shame that Firefly was canceled, for among a cast of great characters Jayne was one of the most memorable.

This character is the originator of the phrase "I'll be in my bunk." For those of you unfamiliar with the geek parlance, this is a euphemism for going off to masturbate after being turned on. In Jayne's case, it was seeing the shipboard courtesan entertaining another woman that triggered the comment.

Jayne probably sent more than a few to their bunks with his ripped physique and unshaved chest.

How Jayne became a member of Serenity

The Jayne-centric episode "Hero of Canton" has a group of sad proles mistakenly worshipping him as a Robin Hood style hero. They erected a statue in his honor and wrote a song about him. Here is the Firefly boxed set easter egg where Adam Baldwin sings the song, badly. He's wearing the hat that Jayne's mother sent him in another episode.

Hero of Canton

Other Adam Baldwin roles

Baldwin (no relation to Alec Baldwin and his brothers) has been in a number of movies and TV shows. He was a villainous lawyer with supernatural strength on Angel for a time. He got a little bit of fame in My Bodyguard (1980). He was also in a bad 80's movie called Bad Guys. Some Baldwin fans may really enjoy this borderline NSFW video of all the sexy clips from the movie edited to an appropriate 80's pop song: Boys Boys Boys.

Most recently Baldwin has a regular cast role in the TV show Chuck which is apparently a bumbling spy comedy type show. I watched it once, ascertained Baldwin was not playing anything remotely villainous or shady and lost all interest. Your mileage may vary.

1 comment:

  1. Baldwin played an anti-hero cop on an episode of Castle, staring Nathan Fillion from Firefly
